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SBT complains about unresolved dependencies for multi-module projects

Or how I learnt a bit more SBT, and continue to be mildly disgruntled by the bomb

Raspberry Pi 3 Raspbian Jessie with WiFi, SSH, Headless Setup with No Keyboard or Ethernet

A quick guide to getting your Raspberry Pi 3 running in headless mode with SSH and WiFi without a Keyboard, HDMI or Ethernet

Corrupt Disk: Diskpark or Disk Management will not start on Windows

I recently purchased a Raspberry Pi 3 and wanted to play around with it. After flashing the Raspbian OS onto the MicroSD card using Win32DiskImager, I noticed that it had...

The Requirement behind the requirement

Or why your manager seems so anal-retentive

Submitting Multi-Module artifacts to Maven: My JAR does not download!

Submitting Multi-Module artifacts to Maven: My JAR does not download!

Going to Maven Central!

I DONE DIDDLY DID IT! I got my first few JARs on Maven Central! I’m officially one of ‘em new town boys now, ma! Lookit me fancy shoes!